Opening day
Submission deadline
Participants wishing to make an oral or poster presentation at the Conference, included plenary speakers (PL) and keynote lecturers (KN) at MS, are required to submit an abstract.
Abstract submission will only be considered if provided through the designated “EPDIC18 abstract template” .
All submitted abstracts must:
follow the A4 template provided (click HERE* to download the EPDIC18 abstract template)
be written in English
have a maximum length of 1 page
be uploaded as .pdf file
be named by your last name, followed by an underscore and the MS number (e.g., lastname_MS#)
The presenting author must be listed first among the authors.
One registered participant can be the presenting author at only one submitted abstract for the scientific programme (PL, KN or MS).
In the event that the request for an oral presentation cannot be accommodated, the contribution will automatically be redirected to the poster session.