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Sessione 1 - Gli esempi del cambiamento
1. Biodiversity changes in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea): alien species - Antonella Petrocelli, CNR-IRSA
2. Climate change and risks to bivalve biodiversity - Antonina De Marco, University of Bologna
3. New gastrotrich species were found, but what is happening with old ones? - Anush Kosakyan, University of Modena
4. Structural complexity and ALDFGs assessments in the upper mesophotic of the Portofino MPA: implications for future conservation strategies - Camilla Roveta, UNIVPM
5. Changes and extinction of Mediterranean marine species in the last decades: an example with Hydrozoa - Cinzia Gravili, University of Salento
6. Biodiversity changes and economic implication - Claudio Calabrese, University of Salento
7. Response of meiofauna on vermetid reef to increasing temperature and the buffer effect of canopy-forming algae - Francesca Ape, CNR-ISMAR
8. How anthropogenic actions affect gastrotrichs diversity in Italian freshwaters - Francesco Saponi, University of Palermo
9. In the Antropocene clams do not die but resist! - Giada Bargione, CNR-IRBIM
10. Monitoring environmental changes with old collections and field data: a case study in Verona - Sebastiano Andreatta, Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona
11. Sudden Expansion of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in the Northern Adriatic Sea - Giulio Pellini, CNR-IRBIM
12. Finding Pinna: a survey to investigate the presence of surviving fun mussel along the Apulian coast - Giuseppe Denti, CNR-IRSA
13. Scyphophorus acupunctatus in the Mediterranean area: Distribution and Phylogeography - Laura Loru, CNR-IRET
14. Habitat suitability widening of the Egyptian sole in the Adriatic Sea - Laura Sabatini, CNR-IRBIM
15. Dynamics of microbiome colonization on artificial support in a natural gradient of water pH at Panarea Island (Italy) - Lucia Foresto, University of Bologna
16. The terrestrial macroinvertebrates of a guano-rich temperate cave – a system especially vulnerable to climate change? - Luisa Dainelli, University of Pisa
17. A new pine forest to save Biodiversity - Marina Maura Calandrelli, CNR-IRET
18. Penaeus aztecus (Ives, 1891) spreads Northward, but still rare along the west side of the Adriatic Sea - Martina Scanu, CNR-IRBIM, UniBo-BiGeA
19. Invasive alien arthropod species recently arrived in EU: case study at Hanbury Botanic Gardens - Francesca Boero, University of Genova
20. One hundred years of solitude: the European adder in Trentino - Antonio Romano, CNR-IBE
21. New alien species associated to mussel and oyster farms in the Mediterranean - Eugenio Fossi, University of Bologna
22. Impact of anthropogenic pathobiome on the gut microbiome of Mediterranean whales - Giorgia Palladino, University of Bologna
23. Stygofauna communities’ diversity drivers under climate change exposure - Lorenzo Cresi, Alice Cimenti, University of Milan and University of Turin
24. Benthic biodiversity patterns in rapidly evolving Alpine proglacial ponds (Cevedale glacier, Italy) - Maria Vittoria Tenci, University of Trento
25. Phenotypic plasticity in a changing ocean: the case study of the red coral Corallium rubrum - Martina Coppari, UNIVPM
26. The conundrum of extinction and incomplete taxonomy in Malagasy dung beetles - Michele Rossini, University of Padova
27. Life in (micro)plastic: the microbial communities on different MPs and the health risk associated with them - Raffaella Sabatino, CNR-IRSA
Sessione 2 - Le previsioni del cambiamento
1. Conservation genetics of the Italian alder (Alnus cordata) in the face of climate change - Alexis Marchesini, CNR-IRET
2. Opposite effects of climate and land-use change on Mediterranean highland protected areas: insights from herpetofauna of Southern Italy - Dino Biancolini, CNR-IBE
3. Flying from lowlands to summits: projected effects of climate change on butterflies in Central Italy - Dino Biancolini, CNR-IBE
4. Species distribution comparison and interactions of Clethrionomys glareolus and Chionomys nivalis in a changing climate - Dino Scaravelli, University of Bologna
5. Distribution of Caulerpa cylindracea and Posidonia oceanica implementing Habitat Suitability Models - Maria Letizia Vitelletti, CNR-ISMAR
6. Large-scale risks of an emergency phytosanitary action plan on regional biodiversity - Rocco Labadessa, CNR-IIA
7. Climate change effects on aquatic invertebrates fitness, energy and resource use - Sarah Boulamail, CNR-IRET
Sessione 3 - Gli strumenti per la comprensione e gestione del cambiamento
1. New Technologies to Complement Underwater Visual Census Protocols - Gaspare Avanzato, University of Bologna
2. “A fast and accurate pipeline to sequence fresh- and preserved soft-bodied meiofaunal specimens” - Agata Cesaretti, University of Modena
3. A virtuous alliance between ecologists, taxonomists and citizens - Agostino Letardi, ENEA
4. Monitoring marine benthic biodiversity through innovative, integrative, and standardized methods - Alessandro Piazza, University of Bologna
5. Blueat – A possible way to manage Alien Species - Alice Pari, Fondazione Cetacea
6. The approach of LifeWatch Italy for an open and FAIR research lifecycle - Andrea Tarallo, CNR-IRET
7. The BRAIN database: a long-term perspective on plant biodiversity in Italy - Assunta Florenzano, University of Modena
8. Testing a SAR-based ship classifier with different loss functions - Ch Muhammad Awais, UNiversity of Pisa
9. Facing global changes: adaptive genetic variation in Chestnut populations - Claudia Mattioni, CNR-IRET
10. The Italian Omics Observatory Network of Marine Biodiversity - Manuela Coci, CNR-IRBIM
11. Alien and neonative biodiversity: what is going on in Sardinia? - Daniele Grech, Fondazione IMC
12. Characterization of soft-bottom macrozoobenthic community: a case study from Sirolo (Adriatic Sea) - Deborah D’Angelo, CNR-IRBIM
13. Five case studies in the Mediterranean Sea to evaluate a different and faster approach to detect changes in nematode community structure - Eleonora Grassi, University of Urbino
14. Including Climate within MSP and MPA - Eléonore Cambra, CNR-ISMAR
15. “Make Kin Don’t Kill”: a transdisciplinary study on the Blue Crab in the Northern Adriatic - Elisa Zanoni, CNR-ISMAR
16. LIFE PROMETHEUS - Emanuela Fanelli, UNIVPM
17. Recreational fishing, the hidden value of fisheries: an environmental-economic assessment - Filippo Pampaloni, University of Siena
18. The invasive Mnemiopsis leidyi & the Venice Lagoon - Filippo Piccardi, University of Padova
19. Assessing the biodiversity in the air: First approaches in an alpine environment - Franziska Zemmer, Fondazione Edmund Mach
20. Molecular monitoring of Dinophysis spp. in mussel farms of the Northwestern Adriatic Sea - Giorgia Ravera, University of Urbino
21. The experience of the CNR-ISMAR to enhance the Natural Science Collections in the RI DiSSCo - Irene Guarneri, CNR-ISMAR
22. Monitoring the evolution of biodiversity for management planning. The example of Verona - Leonardo Latella, Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona
23. Mente onnisciente e Biodiversità - Longino Contoli Amante, Commissione Conservazione Natura
24. Forest management and monitoring after a catastrophic climate event: the case of Salamandra atra aurorae and the VAIA storm - Luca Roner, MUSE
25. Assessing and preventing human-bear conflicts through spatial ecology in the northern Pakistan - Luciano Bosso, CNR-Institute for Agriculture
26. Comparing two types of Convolutional Neural Network to maximize Seahorse image recognition - Marco Spoto, CNR-IAS
27. Pathogenic microorganisms from the marine environment: friends or loe for the biodiversity? - Alice Pari, UNIFG
28. An example of the role of Virtual Research Environments in biodiversity data management and analysis: the Phytoplankton VRE - Mariantonietta La Marra, University of Salento
29. Knitting information about Italian biodiversity: the Italian Taxonomic Backbone - Martina Pulieri, University of Salento
30. Engaging fishers in marine protected species conservation - Massimo Virgili, CNR-IRBIM
31. Ecological criteria portfolio for the conservation and restoration of marine biodiversity in Europe - Matthieu Bekaert, CNR-ISMAR
32. Say me what you like to eat: Predation study of Callinectes sapidus, Hexaplex trunculus and Echinaster sepositus on two native keystone species of The Mediterranean Sea, the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis - Mattia Corrias, Fondazione IMC
33. Mediterranean Sea: Caretta caretta nestings at high latitudes, minimally-invasive approach to promote their survival - Nicola Ridolfi, Fondazione Cetacea
34. Contribution of roadless areas to nature protection - Riccardo Testolin, University of Bologna
35. Ecological role and faunal associations of the calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna alien in the Mediterranean - Roberta Trani, University of Bari
36. Use of AIS Data for Fisheries Monitoring - Roberto Gramolini, Kosmoambiente
37. Some reflections on how humans can relate to marine ecosystems in the Anthropocene - Sergio Vitale, CNR-IRBIM
38. Microbial diversity in deadwood: the role of varying microhabitat conditions and forest management - Silvia Pioli, CNR-IRET
39. The Mesophotic zone, an overlooked climate haven - Torcuato Pulido Mantas, UNIVPM
40. LIFE PREDATOR, a project for the management of the invasive Silurus glanis in south European lakes to protect biodiversity - Vanessa De Santis, CNR-IRSA
41. Environmental DNA for the census of non-indigenous species - Stefano Varrella, UNIVPM
Sessione 4 - PhD spot
1. Climate change impacts and anthropogenic pressures: integrated research and approaches to protect and preserve the biodiversity in coastal environments - Angela Freddi, CNR-IRBIM, UniBo-BiGeA
2. DNA Metabarcoding of Crangonid Shrimp Gut Contents as a Natural Tool for Biodiversity Evaluation - Lorenzo Zacchetti, CNR-IRBIM, UniBo-BiGeA
3. How a massive river flood event affects the microbial composition of surface marine sediments - Marco Basili, CNR-IRBIM, UniBo-BiGeA
Monitoring by bees (Apis mellifera) of biodiversity and some pollutants on health interest in urban environment" - Arma dei Carabinieri