moderated by dr Antonella Tajani
Project 1: Nano-driven ferroic coupling in hexaferrites – NANOFER presented by Prof. Darja Lisjak and Layla Martin Samos Colomer Q&A Project 2: Active TargeTing in bReAst Cancer therapy: on the road to develop pepTIde-decorated biOmimetic Nanocarriers – ATTRACTION presented by Asst. Prof. Nina Kostevšek and Ivan Bassanini Q&A Project 3: Ultrafast dynamics of metal-organic Rashba...
Project 4: Collective XUV emission from a dense gas: a route towards novel coherent light sources presented by Prof. Matjaž Žitnik and Rebeca Martinez Vazquez Q&A Project 5: Novel biosensor(s) for polyamine detection in biological samples (SENSE-PA) presented by Asst. Prof. Kristina Žagar Soderžnik and Pasquale D'Angelo Q&A